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November 19, 2024

Work day in Baghdad starts with car bomb explosion

Originally Published in July 8, 2005

Editor’s note: Phil Smith, a 1963 graduate of Ridgeley High School, moved around the United States until the mid-1990s when he became a consultant in developing countries. His work has taken him to Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghan-istan and Iraq. Currently residing in Moscow, he has kept journals of his travels. The following are excerpts from those times.

Baghdad, Iraq, July 2004

And here I am almost finished the project and thinking of getting on the airplane for the trip to Kuwait City. Almost two weeks in Baghdad and some interesting experiences to add to the file.

Some days start with a bang, especially in this part of the world. On Wednesday, July 14, we were already at our office in the interim government’s buildings when an explosion shook the building and rattled the glass. Our bodyguard was beside us immediately ready to get us out or down on the floor.

We are in an office with no outside windows but good light from the outside. His radio was blaring with the news of a car bomb having been set off at the “Baby Assassin” gate for pedestrians about 200 yards from the building. Later we heard the news that 10 people were killed and 40 injured. Security instantly tightened for the rest of the day and is still tight. But I don’t mind because I want to be sent home without injuries, not in a box.

So I am getting some exercise walking in the hot weather to the various places to eat. But I don’t think it is enough to offset the food. I have cut down since I got here. It is too hard to eat three full meals a day when it is constantly hot. Even at night it only drops down to the 90s.

While here in Baghdad, I have had two offers to stay. One is with Adam Smith working with them on the existing projects in Iraq. Even the head of the DFID office here has suggested it. The other is from Chemonics working on the Iraq real estate sector portion of the new USAID contract. Combined with some other offers I already have, it looks like next week will be interesting as I try to finalize the details of the various offers.

The work is almost finished and I am wrapping up now. The final report will be a few pages and will be finished Sunday.

The return flight will be Monday from Baghdad to Kuwait City. I’ll get to Moscow about midnight (Tuesday) and then home at about 2 a.m. with a bit of luck with the passport control and luggage pickup. The only good part of the travel is the business class and the business clubs because it makes the time pass a bit easier.

So this will be it for a while until I write up the story of the trip to Helsinki for my new Russian visa. And being taken into custody at the Russian border and sent back to Helsinki for three more days because the Russian Embassy gave me the wrong information. That one may be for publication in the “Moscow Times.”