Jack Canfield, co-author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul, has said “Philip is an amazing man with an incredible life. He is a great storyteller and excellent motivational speaker.” There are thousands of stories to be shared from his many years of experience in many different countries. More than 13,000 have attended his seminars and presentations over the last 40 years. Find the right one for you below and schedule a talk for your organization! All of the talks below will be tailored to your exact needs and can fit many more subjects to fit your particular situation.

Reduce Your Stress
The level of stress in your life can be reduced to a very low level by following the process used during the half-hour presentation. More than 300 people have tried it and have stated the method worked for them. Whether your company, organization, or non-profit has 5 people or thousands, the method can be presented to help all of them reduce their stress which will have positive benefits for everyone.
Take Control of Your Life
You need to love yourself first. If you don’t love you, why would anyone else love you? The discussion will put you into a positive frame of mind and your life will change for the better.

Masterclass on YOU Are The Most Important
An overview of the steps YOU need to take in so you can control every step in your life. This includes the other modules such as Taking Control of Your Life, Respecting Others & Stress Management.
Building Your Plan
This program will help you build your own business plan tailored just for YOU. A schedule will be made to follow for several weeks. Once you are through the plan, your dreams will begin to be realized.

What Can YOU Do
Every one of you can do something. The discussion will show you where you can make changes in your own mind and life to make a difference in this world. And you will be able to apply the methods each day when you get up.
Helping Others
There are many examples where giving help to others has produced a positive result in the future. The secret is to give without expecting anything in return. You sow the seeds. Then, when it is time to harvest them, you will see an increase in the abundance in your life.

In this hour long long presentation Philip discusses what causes worry, how to reduce it, stress management and how to remove worry from your life.