Taking you on a Journey Through Time
The novel includes factual information of life in Allegany County in Western Maryland, the Canadian Rockies, and Chicago during the early part of the 20th century. The novel begins with a present day investigation into the life of one of the brothers of the family who had become very wealthy. The source of his wealth was unknown and the present descendants want to try to clear the family name. Chapters alternate between today’s investigation and life as it developed from 1888 to the 1940s for the main character, David Gates. His two lives in Banff, Canada and Chicago, IL are recounted in his journals. Details of his Banff hunting lodge operation, bootlegging of whiskey, opening of banks in both cities and his corporate raiding activities during the 1920s are all parts of two lives he is living. No ordinary man, his two lives with his wife and his lover are presented as the basis from which the reader can decide on their own. The on-going investigation by the descendants finally results in a discovery of the real source of the wealth. And provides the base material for a continuation of the investigations into the lives of two other main characters from this novel. The first in a series of informative and entertaining reads.
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